Private Jet
When you’re a fabulous Social Lite what better way is their than to navigate through the friendly skies in a non-stop air craft, this...

Up all night, partied until the sun comes up, a story that any party girl is all to familiar with know all to well….. This shade is a...

Ciao' Baby
The language of love spoken straight from Italy, is a eloquent way of saying good bye. This deep shade of purple screams hello.

Blu Caviar
Was inspired by the rich deep blu sea, the ocean can tell many tails, but this stunning blu with its diamond like sparkle is the ending...

Let's meet the Ouch Girl....
Tip toeing through the city in a beat pair of pumps, can be a bitch, we all are familiar with the phrase “beauty is pain”. Those sexy...

The History of Nail Polish
Nail beauty is not a trend that suddenly appeared in the twenty-first century. Nail Polish examples can be found in many ancient...

The US won't ban what Blu Ink does...
Unfortunately their are politics that prohibit us from banning cosmetic testing, but socially conscious Blu Ink rises above it...We care...